Monday, April 27, 2009

All done!

Here are the rest of the pages for my Cali trip...yay! I'm actually done with a scrapbooking project!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Next pages of Cali Trip

I finished these just a few minutes ago...and this template with the circles was tricky. But I did it! Yay for me!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Trip to California

Rather than post all the hundreds of pictures that I took (as well as my sister-in-law, Emily) I am posting the pages I digitally scrapbooked. I learned how to use free templates and once I actually figured it out, it was super easy! I took 2 days learning how and doing the 2 pg filmstrip layout and I have done 2 pages today in an hour or so. (And I bet if you weren't as picky as I was about choosing and editing pictures it would be WAY faster!) I will post more as I finish them...

Kristyn and Penny, note how crooked most of my pictures are. Be proud. (even if most pages were from a template)

Thanks again to Emily, for inviting me to tag along, and especially Emily's friend Melanie for letting us stay at her house and disrupt her sleep! (Ellie was sick, tired and homesick the entire time...there was a lot of screaming!)
It was super fun!!!