Monday, February 23, 2009


Finally the weather has been looking up and finally we went on a family walk. Walks were a big part of my growing-up years and I wish we did it more. I love just spending time together outside, strolling along. Our family is full of people watchers. We love to see different people and notice things. On this particular walk I saw a 30-40ish year old man with a mullet and a cane. Also, we saw a very shaggy, hairy dog with fur about 1 1/2 ft long...and lots of it!
And finally.....I have had photoshop for a long time and I've hardly touched it. I finally figured out the camera RAW part of photoshop and LOVE it! I'm new to editing... and I get impatient...

Chaz and his tricks...


These guys were very skilled. They were doing all sorts of tricks on picnic tables and playground stuff. Very fun to watch.

I was so glad the girls got to have some daddy time. Chaz isn't around that much...busy guy!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Sweet Sunshine

Rocks are YUMMY.

Ahhh...the sweet memories of doing crazy things as kids...

Happy 5th Birthday Wynn

I can't believe Wynn is already 5 years old. I love her so much. Every day I thank my Heavenly Father for sending me such a sweet little girl. We are so blessed to have her in our family.
We didn't do anything fancy, just cake and ice cream with some family.

Monday, February 16, 2009

It's up to you

I have my photography blog that maybe, hopefully, sometime in the future, prospective clients will be looking at. It's just too much pressure to decide which pictures to post on it. That and I'm pretty critical of my pictures. So I'm leaving it up to you, whomever you may be, to decide which to post on my hopefully more-proffesional-looking blog. Thanks for looking!

Here's an update of what is going on in our life...

My sister Marla came down from Alaska to visit. We took a road trip to visit our sister Penny in Moab. It was crazy with all the little kids, half of them sick. I loved seeing them play together and get to know each other better. I was reminded of my childhood and playing with all my nieces and nephews, running rampant. It was fun to see the next (sort of) generation doing the same!

I got a new Nikon D90!!! I have been saving for years now and we finally paid off our debts and had enough for me to get it! It is so beautiful. This is Wynn's new camera sick pose. Preschool has brought a lot of illness with it. Ellie has been well all of 3 days in the last 4 months. Lucky her. :(

My new camera prompted me to actually take the girls out of the house in this yucky weather... We went over to Liberty Park for a walk and to feed the ducks. It is so nice to live so close to the park!

Chaz got to take our new camera for a test run when he went to see his brother Colton wrestle at State championships! Go Colton! Woot!

With all the gross weather lately (seems almost constant since I got my pretty pictures) I've been taking a lot of random pictures of things inside our apartment and out our window. These I took when it was snowing...

We had a great Valentines day, complete with roses, heart-shaped pancakes, balloons, fun with family and friends, and chinese food.

Our friends and neighbors took us to the Desert Star playhouse (playmill?) on V-Day. Way fun!