Thursday, February 4, 2010

Winkflash Sale Extended!

So if there were any of you who wanted to take advantage of Winkflash's flat rate book sale but couldn't beat the clock...the deal has been extended to February 10th. Promo code ITSBACK.
BTW, I got my book and I LOVE it!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

winkflash Book Sale!

I'm really excited. winkflash is having a flat rate photo book sale. That means you can have up to 100 pages for a flat rate. The price depends on the size, starting at $12.95 and on up. I scrapbook in 12"x12" and they have a book that is pretty much square. I might have to make some minor adjustments but it's WAY better than the alternative, and my original, plan. If I printed each page out seperately the best price would be $2 each. I currently have 90 pages for 2009 and I have yet to do December. So... I'm pretty psyched I can get them all printed and bound in one book for less than $30...rather than $180+!

If you're not a current member, it's free to sign up. I'm going to use it as a place to store my pages in case my computer crashes...

You don't have to have photos already scrapped, they have layouts to fill in your pictures. I'm just going to do pages with a "full bleed" so my scrapbook page takes up the whole page.

If you're interested, use the coupon code: ITSBACK at checkout!

Ahg! I forgot to tell you to act ends the 27th!