Today we were all tired. Chaz stayed up ALL night studying for a final today (only 2 left...) and the girls are both sick. They've had fevers and are pretty on edge emotionally. I'm tired from dealing with it all.
I've been going through my memorabilia box and found a bamboo spitwad shooter (Maybe a pea shooter? I don't actually know what a pea shooter is...) that my sister, Marla, brought back from the Philippines. I was super excited to show it to Wynn...I remember it being great fun. She asked me what it was and I explained how you made a spit wad (great thing to be teaching a 5 year old, I know!) and pushed it to the end, then you made another and pushed it in, with the pressure buildup in between forcing the first wad to shoot out. Well, I was trying to demonstrate and I broke it. So sad. I just sat there for a minute, trying to get over my disappointment. I was really looking forward to having fun playing with it with Wynn. Well, a couple minutes later, after I had returned to what I was doing, Wynn gets a piece of paper and explains her plan to cheer me up. She would draw me a super special picture because I broke my special gun thing that Aunt Marla gave me. It was so sweet! While working on her picture, Wynn had a couple breakdowns because it wasn't turning out quite like she wanted. She was so tired and not feeling well and was trying so hard to make it special for me! I've always dismissed the comments on how emotional girls can be, even at a young age. Well, now I know. Now I know.
Here is my special picture:

Wynn made sure that I looked really closely and saw the happy sun, and she explained to Chaz that, "It's a picture of you guys getting married. The fat on Mommy is just her big poofy dress."
I love my sweetheart of a daughter!
P.S. For those of you who don't have blogger logins or whatever, I've changed my setting so anyone can leave comments!